Monday, 30 April 2012

NCRG - 2012 so far

Hey there,

Apologies for my absence, sometimes my life overtakes the opportunity to post here, other times Im too tired after a long day, sometimes a long week.

Since my participation in the Pfx contest, I have been busy organising a few more NCRG (North Cork Radio Group) activations.  Our most recent one was at Mizen Head Visitors Centre as part of the Marconi Day celebrations.  Five of the lads from the group made this a weekend of radio, socialising and laughs as they operated EI1NC/P on Friday 20th and Sunday 22nd April, and operated the Marconi station of EI0IMD on Marconi Day - 21st April.

Due to personal restrictions, I was only able to attend for Marconi Day itself, 21st April, but had great fun on the day.  There were 2 stations set up with an array of antennas to choose from, every band was adequately considered, and it was great to be able to get quite a few of our radio friends in the log.  The weather wasnt the best, switching from sunshine to fog in a matter of minutes, and the wind was enough to cause our antenna to become a wind powered rotator HI.  I even had the pleasure of providing our resident journalist with an interview on the YL view of the hobby (a "YL Eye" so to speak).

The drive from my QTH to Mizen is a long one, some 2.5 to 3 hours drive.  By the time I returned home, I was fit for bed, yet still managed a quick scan on the bands to see if I could work some of the other Marconi stations of the day.  I was quite impressed to get the Uruguay station on 15m but a bit dissapointed there werent more of the GB stations listed for the award on the air.  Maybe next time.

So, as previously stated, many more exciting events  coming out of NCRG planning with some new CASHOTA sites, as well as an old prison and a very popular fort!!  Now these I look forward to activating as to my knowledge they have never been done before, and this is always a bonus for me, the pleasure of an event together with a first timer location.

I have found however that although this is supposed to be a hobby, and although we put in our fair share of work and thought into bringing our events to our members (and sometimes the public where allowed), there is a lot of jealousy and bitterness to be found.  Our group has been the subject of ranting from operators using pseudonyms to slander the Group, not to mention particular members of the group.  I personally dont dwell on any of this nonsense but lately there has been a lot of interference, including going so far as to maliciously disrupt the Group activities/events (eg music played over Group calls continuously, keying up etc) and it amazes me how low and petty people are willing to be in order to try and make our group look inadequate solely because we are a lot more active than others ... and the insulting parties are supposed to be adults, not to mention EI operators, however it amazes me that these people are willing to put their licences on the line for the purpose of immature illegal activity!!!  Its a shame that there is this side of the hobby, although it is an ugly truth that does exist in particular districts, and can probably be found in many other countries than Ireland.

On the brighter side, congrats to our national society on celebrating 80 years this year.  These celebrations were held on the same dates as Marconi weekend so unfortunately neither I nor the other lads were in a position to attend but I look forward to seeing all the pics.  Congrats to Dundalk ARS for organising what was deemed to be a great weekend. 

Well thats all I have for the minute, enjoy the hobby!!!

Ciao for now

Lisa, EI9GSB